How can you access Serv-e-Go?

There are two ways of accessing it as below:

1. Somfy pro website using your login credentials
(Select each section to read more )

  • Check hub info – name, connection status, updated, software version, PIN, linked devices, protocols, activation date​
  • View client info – name, email, phone, address​
  • View device (motor and controls) battery​
  • View alerts for all clients​
  • View and share previous service request reports

  • Power cycle Tahoma switch hub ​
  • Change motor speed​
  • Enable soft-start soft-stop​
  • Change soft-start or soft-stop time​
  • Send/Finish service requests​
  • Setup alerts for specific devices​
  • Add new clients to their supported list​

2. TaHoma pro app
(Select each section to read more )

  • Check hub info – name, connection status, updated, software version, PIN, linked devices, protocols, activation date​
  • View client info – name, email, phone, address​
  • View device (motor and controls) battery​
  • View and share previous service request reports​
  • Change device (motor and controls) name​
  • View and send service request reports​

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